
Rabu, 04 April 2012

mal benefit charity

A. Definition of charityIn language, zakat means "evolve and grow in goodness and perfection." It is said, something that zakat, if something is well developed to perfection.
Something able to thrive when the situation was something clean from dirt and disease. Just as our bodies, animals and plants can thrive when she was well and free from dirt and any disease.Similarly, the human heart can develop properly and it's perfectly fine when the heart and clean of any dirt and disease.
B. Zakat HeartSin and disobedience by man like a pest in plants. Like the sand on the gold and silver. Similarly liver disease such as hasud, boastful, arrogant, condescending people, stupid, big-headed, hard-hearted is the bottleneck of the development of the liver. And sometimes to kill pests such as the liver that inhibits plant growth and even turn it off.
So, that's a good heart and liver in order to evolve toward goodness and perfection of the heart it should first be cleaned of all dirt and disease. The trick is to leave the prohibited acts of God, stay away from vices and are prohibited from Allah and repent to Him.Allah Ta'ala says,
Þõáú áöáúãõÄúãöäöíäó íóÛõÖøõæÇ ãöäú ÃóÈúÕóÇÑöåöãú æóíóÍúÝóÙõæÇ ÝõÑõæÌóåõãú Ðóáößó ÃóÒúßóì áóåõãú Åöäøó Çááøóåó ÎóÈöíÑñ ÈöãóÇ íóÕúäóÚõæäó (30)"Say to the believing men that they should lower his gaze and guard their honor, so it is purer for them surely Allah is Aware of what they do." (An-Nur: 30)
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says in this verse that the sanctity of heart came after his gaze and guard of honor, that the forbidden gaze of Allah Ta'ala.
Allah Ta'ala has tested our appetite by giving love to see something beautiful, beautiful, happy to see her beautiful face, but be aware that it is favored by some forbidden lust and there is lawful. If someone is able to resist the forbidden passion of Allah, then Allah will replace with something better like the coolness of the liver, calm heart, pleased and happy hearts.
Mentioned in the hadith,óãúä ÊóÑóßó ÔóíúÆðÇ öááåö ÚóæúÖõåõ Çááåõ ÚóÒøó æóÌóáøó ÎóíúÑðÇ ãöäúåõ (ÑæÇå ÃÍãÏ ÈÓäÏ oiii)"Whoever leaves something (haram) for Allah, Allah will replace it with something better." (Reported by Ahmad with a saheeh sanad)
Given that the heart is always tied to something he loved, so when his heart is clean, the only God who loves him just menghamba and submit to Allah alone. Whereas if the heart is already branched besides his love of God, then he will submit to what he loved. Human actions and the state will participate in his heart.
In another verse Allah says,æóÅöäú Þöíáó áóßõãõ ÇÑúÌöÚõæÇ ÝóÇÑúÌöÚõæÇ åõæó ÃóÒúßóì áóßõãú"When it is said to you back then go back because it is purer for you." (Ath-Thur: 28)
This verse describes the person requesting the permit or a visit but the homeowner has not been willing to accept that he begged the guest room back then it follows that the petition is purer for a visit.
So that the liver can develop well towards goodness and perfection is to first cleanse from sin and sinners and cleaning of their diseases.
The case that makes the heart grow and that can make a good heart, perfect, and holy is "monotheism," the proclamation that there is no god but Allah, the right (AC AAA ÅáÇÇááå)
Monotheism is not just as a developer of the liver but also serves as a liver cleanser that is clean beliefs (aqeedah) of vanity, cleanse the liver of desires that are not true and monotheistic (AC ÅáÇÇááå AAA) is the basic ingredient that makes the heart grow and develop properly , ie when there is no longer in his gods other than Allah, no more will and desire except for God. In his heart there is only God who can bear fruit and truth into the practice of obedience and devotion to God.
Therefore, there is no lesson that exceed the height and glory of the fundamental unity because faidahnya since learned is the Essence of the Almighty and Majestic, and the Islamic Aqeedah is the foundation of building any Muslim who becomes the determinant of the robustness and fragility of one's Islamization.
Allah Ta'ala says:æóæóíúáñ áöáúãõÔúÑößöíäó (6) AOC ÇáøóÐöíäó íõÄúÊõæäó ÇáÒøóßóÇÉó"Woe to the idolaters that they did not give charity." (Fush-shilat: 5-6)
Most of the commentators suggested that the reference to the word "charity" in this verse is "monotheism." (See Tafseer Ibn Katheer)In addition to unity, practice devotion and obedience to God also acts as a cleanser and purify the liver. Allah Ta'ala says:ÞóÏú ÃóÝúáóÍó ãóäú ÒóßøóÇåóÇ (9)"What a lucky person who purifies his heart." (Ash-Shams: 9)
His words also:ÝóÞõáú åóáú áóßó Åöáóì Ãóäú ÊóÒóßøóì (18)"Is there a desire for you to clean yourself?" (An-Naazi'at: 18)Zakkaa in this paragraph is the practice of obedience to God.
However, for people who have been blessed by God's guidance taufiq and capable of running the obedience and devotion to God are not allowed to feel and think he is clean and pure. Allah Ta'ala says:Ãóáóãú ÊóÑó Åöáóì ÇáøóÐöíäó íõÒóßøõæäó ÃóäúÝõÓóåõãú"Have you not considered those who consider themselves clean." (An-Nisa ': 49)
ÝóáóÇ ÊõÒóßøõæÇ ÃóäúÝõÓóßõãú"So, do not you say you are holy." (An-Najm: 32)In essence the only God, who makes one is clean and holy and just God Almighty who preach cleanliness and sanctity of a user.
Allah Ta'ala says:Èóáö Çááøóåõ íõÒóßøöí ãóäú íóÔóÇÁõ"But God that cleanses / purifies whom He will." (An-Nisa '49)
Then the benefits are already dizakati liver (cleaned) will be easier for someone to accept the truth, delighted to receive guidance / instructions from God. Willingly accept Islam, pleased and delighted in running devotion to Him. Whereas if the heart dirty then the opposite is true, that is difficult to accept the truth and guidance, narrow chest and shortness of Islamic law and the weight to run a devotion to God.
C. Zakat AssetsThe charity benefit is such a treasure was spoken:
ÎõÐú ãöäú ÃóãúæóÇáöåöãú ÕóÏóÞóÉð ÊõØóåøöÑõåõãú æóÊõÒóßøöíåöãú ÈöåóÇ"Take alms of their wealth to charity that you cleanse and purify them." (At-Tawbah: 103)
God gathers in this paragraph on the benefits of charity property is clean and purify because the property will not be holy / evolve without cleaning it first.
Furthermore, Sheikh Al-Uthaymeen rahimahullah explain the benefits of charity property, as follows:A. Islam to perfect a slave as zakat of the pillars of Islam. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon wassallam) said:Èõäöíó ÇáúÅöÓúáóÇãõ Úóáóì ÎóãúÓò ÔóåóÇÏóÉö Ãóäú Åöáóåó AOC AOC ÅöáøóÇ Çááøóåõ ÔóåóÇÏóÉö Ãóäú Åöáóåó ÅöáøóÇ Çááøóåõ æóÃóäøó ãõÍóãøóÏðÇ ÑóÓõæáõ Çááøóåö æóÅöÞóÇãö ÇáÕøóáóÇÉö æóÅöíÊóÇÁö ÇáÒøóßóÇÉö æóÇáúÍóÌøö æóÕóæúãö ÑóãóÖóÇäó
Islam is built upon five fundamental creed saying that there is no god but Allah, right, and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, establish prayer and pay zakat, fasting Ramadan, and pilgrimage to the Baitul Haram.
2. As evidence of true faith of the tithe as lust was very pleased at the property then the person will not give up his property except for want of something better than the blessings God's treasure whose value far better and more perfect for me.
3. To purify the morals of the tithe as a charity he would depart from those grabber / stingy and get in on the classes of charitable people.
4. Zakat can clear the chest and soothing but with two conditions, namely:4a. When the issue of zakat should gracefully rather than be forced, so the heart will follow it because his heart will be restless when someone leaves a good habit.4b. He should be able to remove his property from him before out of his hands, because no benefit issue with his hands but still bound by his heart.
5. As a form of perfection of faith because we are happy when our brother gave his property to us and so are our brothers will be happy if we give him a treasure.
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon wassallam) said:íõÄúãöäõ AOC AOC ÃóÍóÏõßõãú ÍóÊøóì íõÍöÈøó áöÃóÎöíåö íõÍöÈøõ áöäóÝúÓöåö"It is not faithful to any one of you loves his brother as he loves himself." (Narrated by Muslim)
6. Zakat is the cause go to heaven because heaven is reserved for good conversation, likes to spread salam, feeding and those who pray at night when humans are sleeping.
"Heaven is for people who would enhance his talk, likes to spread salam, like feeding, and establish worship night while people are sleeping." (Narrated by Tirmidhi saheeh hasan hadeeth)
7. Making Muslim community as one family, the emergence of the nature of people capable of caring for the weak, the rich to the poor, knowing that his brother is weak and the poor need charity and concern, as Allah has been good to him.
Allah Ta'ala says:æóÃóÍúÓöäú ßóãóÇ ÃóÍúÓóäó Çááøóåõ Åöáóíúßó"Act charity / good as Allah has been good to you." (Al-Qasas: 77)
8. Zakat can reduce memberontaknya nature of indigent people.Striking social differences often led to social disharmony. The rich drive, the fakir on foot. The rich live in palaces, the fakir bed wrapped in mats and cold winds. The rich eat all he wants, the poor must be exhausting and sweat just for a bite of rice. But if the rich are charity and care for siblings so this can calm the situation and reduce social jealousy and reduce the appearance of the seeds of rebellion of the poor against the rich.
9. Zakat can prevent the sins of the property such as theft, robbery, burglary and fraud. Because of the poor feel that the rich people have their rights withheld, thus hampering the implementation of the needs of the poor.
10. Zakat can be saved from the heat of the day of Resurrection.The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon wassallam) said:Yoi ÇãúÑöÆò ßõáøõ Ùöáøö ÕóÏóÞóÊöåö íóæúãó ÇúáÞöíóÇãóÉö"Everyone in the shade shodaqohnya on the Day of Resurrection." (Narrated by Ahmad)
11. Zakat can encourage people to learn and study the Shari'a and the law of God as zakat can not be done without prior knowledge.
12. Zakat can grow and develop the property, because zakat to protect the property of their diseases, and God will bless the net assets. Mentioned in the hadith:AOC äóÞóÕóÊú ÕóÏóÞñÉ ãöäú ãóÇáò"It is not charity that reduces the property." (Narrated by Bukhari)
Frequent illnesses that can suppress property assets as a whole such as fire, bankruptcy, or a sore that is draining his wealth.13. Zakat could be lower because good, is mentioned in the hadith:
"It is not a people refuse alms of their property unless they have rejected the rain from the sky." (Narrated by Ibn Majah)
14. Zakat can dampen the wrath of God.
15. Zakat can be prevented from dying ugly (su'ul khotimah).Mentioned in the hadith:Úóäú ÃóäóÓö Èúäö ãóÇáößò ÞóÇáó ÞóÇáó ÑóÓõæáõ Çááøóåö Õóáøóì Çááøóåã Úóáóíúåö æóÓóáøóãó Åöäøó ÇáÕøóÏóÞóÉó áóÊõØúÝöÆõ ÛóÖóÈó ÇáÑøóÈøö æóÊóÏúÝóÚõ Úóäú ãöíÊóÉö ÇáÓøõæÁöFrom Anas Radliyallahu 'anhu said, "Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon wassallam) said," Zakat is able to reduce and prevent the wrath of God is dead ugly. "(Narrated by Tirmidhi)
16. Zakat is to prevent falling reinforcements' from the sky.
17. Zakat can erase mistakes and sins, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon wassallam) said, "æóÇáÕøóÏóÞóÉõ ÊõØúÝöÆõ ÇáúÎóØöíÆóÉó ßóãóÇ íõØúÝöÆõ ÇáúãóÇÁõ ÇáäøóÇÑó"Shodaqoh / zakat memghapus error as it can to stifle the fire water." (Narrated by Tirmidhi, hasan saheeh hadeeth).
This is the heart charity and the charity benefits the property may we be able to implement properly.