
Rabu, 04 April 2012

benefits of tithes

Zakat al-Fitr, or commonly known as zakat fitrah, it is common for closing a series of worship known as Ramadan. Could have been so much discussion around this case that tersuguh for the Muslims. But there is no harm if the deposit will return with completed his arguments.Has become an obligation upon the Muslims to know the laws about tithes. This is because Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala fulfilled mensyariatkan upon them to perform the obligation of fasting after Ramadan. Without learning the laws, the implementation of Sharia will not be perfect. Conversely, the study then will be perfect realization of the Shari'a.Wisdom Zakat FitrahFrom Ibn Abbas radhiallahu 'anhuma, he said:فرض رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم زكاة الفطر طهرة للصائم من اللغو والرفث وطعمة للمساكين"The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam as penyuci require tithes to those who fast from a futile act and profanity as well as providing food for the poor." (Hasan, HR. Abu Dawud Kitabul Zakat Chapter. Zakatul Fitr: 17 no. Ibn Majah 1609: 2/395 K. Sadaqah Fitr Zakat Chapter: 21 no: 1827 dihasankan Ash-Shaykh Al-Albani in Saheeh Sunan Abu Dawud)Why is it called Zakat Fitrah?A popular term in our society is zakat fitrah. Why is that? Because the purpose of zakat zakat is the soul, derived from nature, that is the origin of the creation of life (human) making it mandatory for every soul (Fathul Bari, 3/367). To convey the same was Ahmad bin Muhammad Al-Fayyumi explained that the scholars saying "mandatory nature" means mandatory zakat fitrah. (Al-Munir Mishbahul: 476)But more popular among the clergy-wallahu knows best-known زكاة الفطر Fitr Zakat or Sadaqah Fitr صدقة الفطر. The word Fitr here to return to the meaning of breaking the fast of Ramadan, because the obligation is fulfilled there after fasting month of Ramadan. Some scholars like Ibn Hajar Al-'Asqalani explained that the second term is more apparent when referring to musababnya and in part because of their mention in most history. (See Fathul Bari, 3/367)Law of Zakat FitrahThe strongest opinion, tithes obligatory. This is an opinion jumhur scholars, among them is Abul Aliyah, Atha 'and Ibn Sirin, as mentioned Al-Imam Al-Bukhari. Even quoting Ibn Mundhir have consensus on the necessity of nature, although not true consensus.However, this simply shows that the majority of the scholars of the view that it is obligatory zakat fitrah.They are the basis of the hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam:عن ابن عمر رضي الله عنهما قال فرض رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم زكاة الفطر صاعا من تمر أو صاعا من شعير على العبد والحر والذكر والأنثى والصغير والكبير من المسلمين وأمر بها أن تؤدى قبل خروج الناس إلى الصلاةOf Ibn Umar radhiallahu 'anhuma he said: "The Messenger sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam menfardhukan zakat fitri one sha 'of dates or one sha' wheat on slave slave, free man, men, women, small and large from the Muslims. And the Prophet ordered to accomplished before the release of the people to pray (Id). "(Saheeh, HR. Al-Bukhari, Chapter Fardhu Shadaqatul Kitabuz Fitr Zakat 3/367, no. 1503 and is lafadznya. Also narrated by Muslim)Al-Bukhari in lafadz others:أمر النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم بزكاة الفطر صاعا من تمر أو صاعا من شعير"The Prophet ordered the charity fitri one sha 'of dates or one sha' grain." (Narrated by al-Bukhari, no. 1507)Of the two lafadz hadith seems clear to us that the Prophet menfardhukan and ordered, so the law is mandatory tithes.In this case, there is another opinion which states that muakkadah Sunnah (sunnah is highly recommended). Those that argue, the law is just a good charity, which formerly required but then the duty was removed. This argument is weak because of the hadith which they use as the basis of weak by Ibn Hajar. Why, in sanadnya there an unknown narrator. Similarly, an earlier opinion too weak. (See At-Tamhid, 14/321; Fathul Bari, 3/368, and the Ummah Rahmatul fikhtilafil A `immah it. 82)Who Fitrah tithe payer?The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam has explained in the previous hadith that liability is imposed on everyone, big or small, male or female, slave and free man and slave. However, for small children is represented by a guardian in the issuing charity. Ibn Hajar said: "What appears from the hadith that the zakat obligation imposed on a child, but the order is directed to the guardian. Thus, the obligation is accomplished from a small child is a treasure. If not, then it becomes an obligation that gave him a living, this is the opinion of scholars jumhur. "(Al-Fath, 3/369; see At-Tamhid, 14/326-328, 335-336)Nafi 'said:فكان ابن عمر يعطي عن الصغير والكبير حتى إن كان ليعطي عن بني"It used to Ibn 'Umar give charity child and adult, so he really had my regular charity." (Saheeh, HR. Zakat Al-Bukhari Kitabuz Chapter 77, no. 1511, Al-Fath, 3/375)Similarly, slave bondsmen represented by his master. (Al-Fath, 3/369)Is exposed to liability in addition to Zakat Muslim?For example, a child who disbelieve, if he (the Muslims) is obliged to issue a zakat? The answer: no. Because the Prophet gave a note at the end of the hadith that the obligation applies to the Muslims (among Muslims). Although in this case there is also a fixed opinion issued zakat. But the opinion is not strong, because it does not comply with dzahir hadith of the Prophet.Is Mandatory Dizakati fetus?The answer: no. Because the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam zakat is obliged to (a child), while the fetus is not called (child) both in terms of both language and customs. Even Ibn Mundhir menukilkan consensus about not mandatory tithes of the fetus. Although actually there is also the opinion that it is obligatory upon the fetus, which is partly a history of al-Imam Ahmad and Ibn Hazm to record-he-old fetus is 120 days. Another opinion of Al-Imam Ahmad is sunnah.However, two recent opinion is weak, because it does not comply with the above hadith.Wajibkah for Disadvantaged People?Ibn al-Qayyim said: "If the obligation is attached when he was able to implement it and then after that he was not able, then this obligation does not fall from it. And not mandatory (ie fall) if he is unable to hit him since that obligation. "(Bada` id `i'ul Fawa, 4/33)The criteria are not able in this case, the ash-Syaukani explained: "Anyone who does not get the rest of the staple food for the evening feast and noon, then it is not obligated to pay fitrah. If he has the rest of the staple food of the day, he must remove it when it reaches the rest of its size (zakat fitrah). "(Ad-Darari, 1/365, Ar-Raudhatun Nadiyyah, 1/553, see also Fatawa Al-Lajnah Ad- Da `Imah, 9/369)In the form of Zakat Fitrah What expelled?This has been explained in the hadith ago. And clearer with the following history:عن أبي سعيد الخدري رضي الله عنه قال: كنا نعطيها في زمان النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم صاعا من طعام أو صاعا من تمر أو صاعا من شعير أو صاعا من زبيب ..."From Abu Sa'id radhiallahu 'anhu, he said:' We give tithes in the time of the Prophet as much as 1 sha 'of food, a sha' of dates, a sha 'wheat, or a sha' raisins (dried grapes) '." (Saheeh, HR. Zakat Al-Bukhari Kitabuz no. 1508 and 1506, with Chapter 1 Zakat Fitrah sha 'with food. also narrated by Muslim, no. in 2280)Said طعام (food) means that the population of a country's staple food in the form of wheat, corn, rice, or other. In support of this is narrated by Abu Sa'id others:قال كنا نخرج في عهد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يوم الفطر صاعا من طعام وقال أبو سعيد وكان طعامنا الشعير والزبيب والأقط والتمر"He said: 'We're removing it (tithe) of food at the time of the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam on the day of Eid al-Fitr '. Abu Sa'id said again: 'And now that our food is wheat, raisins, dried milk, and dates.' "(Sahih, HR. Al-Bukhari, Chapter Kitabuz Zakat Sadaqah Qablal Id, Al-Fath, 3/375 no . 1510)On the other hand, tithes aims to please the homeless and destitute.So if given something that is not the staple food of the goal to be less well targeted.This is the strong opinion that chosen by the majority of the scholars.Of whom Malik (At-Tamhid, 4/138), Ash-Shafi'i and one a history of al-Imam Ahmad, Ibn Taymiyah (Majmu 'Fatawa, 25/69), Ibn al-Mundhir (Al-Fath, 3/373 ), Ibn al-Qayyim (I'lamul Muwaqqi'in, 2/21, 3/23, Taqrib li Fiqhi Ibnil Qayyim it. 234), Ibn Baz and Al-Fatwa Standing Committee Ad-Da `Imah (9/365, Fatawa Ramadan, 2/914)There is also another opinion that zakat fitrah is realized only in the form of food mentioned in the hadith of the Prophet. This is one opinion of Al-Imam Ahmad. But this argument is weak. (Majmu 'Fatawa, 25/68)Can it out in the form of money?There are differences of opinion among scholars in this regard.The first opinion: It should not be issued in the form of money. It is the opinion of Malik, Ash-Shafi'i, Ahmad and Dawood. The reason, the Shari'a has mentioned what must be excluded, so it should not be menyelisihinya. Zakat is also not free himself from the worship, then this form must follow the orders of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. In addition, if the money it will be an opportunity to determine their own price. To be more safe if aligning with what is mentioned in the hadith.An-Nawawi said: "The sayings of Ash-Shafi'i agree that this tax should not be issued in value (money)." (Al-Majmu ', 5/401)Abu Dawud said: "I heard Al-Imam Ahmad was asked: 'Can I give money in the coin-the-tithe?' He replied: 'I'm afraid not valid, menyelisihi Sunnah'."Ibn Qudama said: "The looks of Ahmad that schools should not spend money on charity." (Al-Mughni, 4/295)This opinion was also chosen by Ash-Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Baz, ash-Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-Uthaymeen, and ash-Shaykh Salih Al-Fauzan (see Fatawa Ramadan, 2/918-928)Second opinion: Perhaps it out in the form of money is worth what he is obliged to remove it from the zakat, and there is no difference between the two. It is the opinion of Abu Hanifah. (Al-Mughni, 4/295, Al-Majmu ', 5/402, Bada `i'ush-Shana` i', 2/205, Tamamul Minnah, p. 379)The first was a strong opinion.On that basis if a Muzakki (who spend zakat) to give money to the amil, amil then allowed to accept it if his position as representative of Muzakki. Furthermore, the amyl-bought rice for example-to Muzakki and channeled to the fuqara in the form of rice, not money.But some scholars allow replace Zakat in cash under certain conditions, not absolute. That is when it's so much bermaslahat for poor people and more easier for the rich.This is a choice of Ibn Taymiyyah. Rahimahullahu He said: "It may spend money in charity if there is a need and beneficiaries. For example, someone selling crops or plants. If he took out zakat 1/10 (one tenth) of the legal coin money. He does not need to buy palm or wheat first. Al-Imam Ahmad had mentioned his skill. "(Quoted from Tamamul Minnah, p. 380)He also said in Majmu 'Fatawa (25/82-83): "The strong on this issue that spend money without the need for a strong and without any serious benefits then it should not be .... Because if it is allowed to spend money absolutely, then maybe the owner will look for the kinds of ugly. It could be also in pricing something adverse happens ... As for spending money because of the need for justice and the beneficiaries are or why not .... "This opinion was selected by the ash-Shaykh Al-Albani as mentioned in the book Tamamul Minnah (pp. 379-380)To note, when choosing this opinion, should be kept the beneficiaries mentioned above and should not be arbitrary in determining, thus resulting oversimplify the issue.The size of the ExcludedFrom the hadiths ago it was obvious that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam determine the size of the tithe is a sha'. But, how one sha 'it?One sha 'equal to 4 mud. While a mud equal to 1 coverage of two medium-sized palms.When measured by how many kilograms (kg)? Of such is not appropriate and can only be measured with an estimate. Hence the scholars differed even now when measured by kilogram.Fatwa Council of Saudi Arabia or Al-Lajnah Ad-Da `Imah chaired by Ash-Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz, ash-Shaykh deputy Abdurrazzaq 'Afifi and members Abdullah bin Ghudayyan estimated 3 kg. (Fatawa Al-Lajnah, 9/371)The ash-Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen argue about 2.040 kg. (Fatawa Arkanil Islam, p. 429)About Al-Bur or Al-HinthahThere is a difference of opinion about the size of the type issued hinthah (a type of wheat). Most of the Companions of the opinion remains a sha ', while others argue ½ sha'.It appears that second opinion is more powerful by history:عن هشام بن عروة حدثه عن أبيه أن أسماء بنت أبى بكر أخبرته: أنها كانت تخرج على عهد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم عن أهلها الحر منهم والمملوك مدين من حنطة أو صاعا من تمر بالمد أو بالصاع الذي يتبايعون به"From Hisham ibn Urwa from his father that Asma 'bint Abu Bakr at the time of the Prophet before he pulled out (zakat) to the family of an independent or a slave or one of two mud hinthah sha' dates with the size of the mud or sha 'that they use for buying and selling. "(Saheeh, HR. Ath-Thahawi in Al-Atsar Ma'ani, 2871, and Ahmad Ibn Abi Syaibah. Ash-Shaykh Al-Albani said:" Sanadnya authentic, according to the terms of Al-Bukhari and Muslim. "Look at this Minnah Tamamul . 387)This is the opinion of Abu Hanifah and chosen by Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn al-Qayyim, and in the present Al-Albani.Time outAccording to some scholars that the nature of the obligations falling to the completion of Ramadan. But the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam explained that the timing of spending zakat fitrah before prayer, as in the hadith ago.وأمر بها أن تؤدى قبل خروج الناس إلى الصلاة"And the Prophet ordered that conducted before the people came out to pray."Thus, the charity must be channeled to the right before prayer. So the purpose of zakat fitrah is realized, namely to provide for them in the day.However, Sharia gives us the leeway to penunaian zakat, where the implementation amil zakat can be brought forward to 2 or 3 days before Id based on the following history:كان ابن عمر رضي الله عنهما يعطيها الذين يقبلونها وكانوا يعطون قبل الفطر بيوم أو يومين'Abdullah bin' Umar used to give tithes to the accepted [1]. And once they fulfilled one or two days before the day of Id. "(Saheeh, HR. Zakat Al-Bukhari Kitabuz Chapter 77 no. 1511 Al-Fath, 3/375)In the history of Malik from Nafi ':أن عبد الله بن عمر كان يبعث بزكاة الفطر إلى الذي تجمع عنده قبل الفطر بيومين أو ثلاثة"Behold, Abdullah ibn Umar gave zakat zakat fitrah to the officers who gathered to him, 2 or 3 days before Eid." (Al-Muwatta ', chapter Zakat Kitabuz Waqtu Irsal Zakatil Fitr, 1/285. See also Al-Irwa `no.846)Should not be putting so much faster than that, although there is also the opinion it should be. The first opinion was correct, since this practice of the Companions.Allow Removing the Zakat Fitrah After prayers Id?This has been explained by the hadeeth of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam following:عن ابن عباس قال: فرض رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم زكاة الفطر طهرة للصائم من اللغو والرفث وطعمة للمساكين من أداها قبل الصلاة فهي زكاة مقبولة ومن أداها بعد الصلاة فهي صدقة من الصدقاتFrom Ibn Abbas radhiallahu 'anhuma he said: "The Messenger sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam as penyuci require tithes to the person who is fasting from useless acts and profanity as well as providing food for the poor. Whoever fulfilled before prayers (Eid) then the charity received. And those who perform the prayer after prayer, then it's just a dole of charity, alms are there. "(Hasan, HR. Abu Dawud Kitabuz Chapter Zakatul Fitr Zakat, 17 no. 1609, Ibn Majah, 2/395 Chapter Kitabuz Zakat Sadaqah Fitr, 21 no. 1827, dihasankan Ash-Shaykh Al-Albani in Saheeh Sunan Abu Dawud)Ibn al-Qayyim said: "The consequences of the two [2] The hadith are not put off until after the prayer penunaian Id charity and that zakat obligations that fall with the completion of the prayer. This opinion is right because nothing against these two hadeeth and some are not clear and there is no consensus that block to contend with two hadith it content. And advance our teachers (Ibn Taymiyyah) reinforces this view and defend it. "(Zadul Ma'ad, 2/21)On that basis, it should not be handed over to the tithes of the poor after the Id prayers, except when the fakir deputize others to accept it.Target Zakat FitrahWhat we mean here is mashraf or targeted distribution of zakat.There is a difference of opinion among scholars in this regard. Some scholars say the target distribution is the poorest of the poor in particular.Some again say, the target distribution is as charity to another, ie 8 classes as indicated in the letter of At-Tauba 60. This is the opinion of ash-Shafi'i, a history of Ahmad, and chosen by Ibn Qudama (Al-Mughni, 4/314).Of the two opinions that exist, it appears that the stronger is the first opinion. The basis of the last Prophet's sayings:عن ابن عباس قال: فرض رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم زكاة الفطر طهرة للصائم من اللغو والرفث وطعمة للمساكينOf Ibn Abbas it says: "The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam as penyuci require tithes to those who fast from a futile act and profanity as well as providing food for the poor."This is an opinion chosen by Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn al-Qayyim, in his ash-Syaukani As-Sailul Jarrar [3] and in this time Ash Shaykh al-Albani, and ash-Shaykh difatwakan Ibn Baz, Ibn Uthaymeen, and others.Ibn al-Qayyim said: "Among the clues he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, zakat is reserved for poor people and not distribute them to 8-secomot secomot group. He is also ordered to it and no one from among the Companions who did it. Similarly, those who come after them. "(Zadul Ma'ad, 2/21, see also Majmu 'Fatawa, 25/75, Tamamul Minnah, p. 387, As-Sailul Jarrar, 2/86, Fatawa Ramadan, 2 / 936)On that basis, are not allowed to distribute zakat fitrah for the construction of mosques, schools, or the like. Similarly, Al-Lajnah difatwakan by Ad-Da `Imah (9/369).Fakir definitionThe scholars discussed this a lot. Moreover, the word fakir is often coupled with poor word, which means each has its own meaning.Discussion of this issue is quite long and require special discussion.But here we will mention briefly the opinion that seems more powerful:Al-Qurtubi in his Tafsir (8/168) explains that the scholars differed in terms of the difference between the homeless and destitute to 9 opinion.Among them, the poor need more than the poor. It is the opinion of ash-Shafi'i and jumhur as in Fathul Bari. (Quoted from Imdadul Qari, 1/236-237)Among the reasons is due to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala first mention in the letter than poor fakir At-Tawbah: 60.إنما الصدقات للفقراء والمساكين والعاملين عليها"Indeed, charity is charity, is just for poor people, poor people, officials, administrators charity ..."Surely Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala mentions of the most important.Also in surat Al-Kahf: 79, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:أما السفينة فكانت لمساكين يعملون في البحر فأردت أن أعيبها وكان وراءهم ملك يأخذ كل سفينة غصبا"As for the boat, it belonged to poor people who work at sea, and I aimed at undermining the ark, because before them there was a king who seized every boat ..."Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala said they were poor when they have a boat.So both indigent and poor alike have no adequate, although shortages of the poor more poor.Ash-Shaykh Abdurrahman ibn Nasir As-Sa'di explained in his Tafsir (341): "The reality is people who do not have anything or have a sufficiency but slightly less than half. While the poor are getting half the sufficiency or more but not sufficient. "What is Given to Them?Ash-Shaykh Abdurrahman ibn Nasir As-Sa'di said (p. 341): "So they were given about the size of which makes the loss of indigence and their poverty."So do not be pursued until every poor person is less than the size given tithes itself.Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah said: "The opinion of the weakest are those who say obligatory upon every Muslim to pay zakat fitrah to 12, 18, 24, 32, or 28 people, or something like that. Since this menyelisihi what the Muslims first in time of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, the caliph, and all companions. No one muslimpun do so in their future. Even once every Muslim pays his own nature and the nature of his family to a Muslim man.If they see there is a split one sha 'for so twelve people where each person was given a hand-held, of course they deny it to the top of my lungs. Because the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam instructed to determine the levels of the sha' of dates, wheat, or of the bur ½ or 1 sha ", according to levels sufficient for one poor person. And he made it as their food at the feast, which they met with it. If one person just get a handheld, he did not have the benefit and not in harmony with its purpose. "(Majmu 'Fatawa, 25/73-74)How to Establish Legal Amil Zakat Such Agency?Has filed a question to the Standing Committee Ad-Al-Da `Imah about an organization called the Jum'iyyatul Beer in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, which manages aid to orphans and families in need, receive and distribute alms to those in need.Al-Lajnah Ad-Da `Imah replied:" The organization is obliged to distribute zakat fitrah to people who are entitled before the Id prayer was held, there should be postponed from that time. Because the Prophet ordered to be delivered to poor people before the Id prayer.Organization's position as representative of Muzakki (giving alms), and the organization is not allowed to receive tithes except the size of which he is able to distribute it to poor people before the Id prayer.And should not also pay tithes in the form of money because the arguments showing the necessity of removing syar'i tithes in the form of food, also should not be turned away from the proposition syar'i the human person's opinion.If Muzakki pay to the organization in terms of money to buy food for poor people, then it must be carried out before the Id prayer and should not be for the organization to release it in the form of money. "(Fatawa Al-Lajnah, 9/379, signed by Ash -Shaykh Ibn Baz, ash-Shaykh Afifi Abdurrazzaq, and ash-Shaykh Abdullah Ghudayyan. See also 9/389)But the tithe was originally given by Muzakki directly to the right.(Fatawa Lajnah, 9/389)When he gave it to the body then it should be noted amil zakat minimum of two things:A. They are real people who know the law so that it knows the ins and outs of the law and are entitled to receive zakat.2. They are a trustworthy person, really convey it to the right, in accordance with the rules syar'i.We emphasize this because in this period many people who do not know the law, especially not a few who are not trustworthy. Someone took it without the right of the channel and there is no target. Instead it was developed or charity for the welfare of the organization / party.Or sometimes he delays, which means delaying the provision to people in great need, although sometimes legitimize their actions with excuses 'syar'i' made-up.Can Zakat (In General) Developed by the Amil Zakat?This has raised questions about the Al-Lajnah Ad-Da `Imah, he replied:Should not be for representatives of these organizations to develop Zakat. That must be done is to distribute it to places that syar'i which has been mentioned in the texts (the Qur'an or Hadith,-pent.) After checking (place) distribution to those who qualify. Because the purpose of zakat is to meet the needs of people homeless and pay off those debts owed. While the development of Zakat may have caused the loss of these beneficiaries, or postpone it for a long time from people who are eligible (need it immediately, ed.) (Fatawa Al-Lajnah, 9/454 signed by the ash-Shaykh Ibn Baz, Ash Abdurrazzaq-Shaykh Afifi, ash-Shaykh Abdullah Ghudayyan, and ash-Shaykh Abdullah bin Qu'ud)Place Ditunaikannya Zakat FitrahA question addressed to Al-Lajnah Ad-Da `Imah:"Can I give charity to my family where I was fasting in Ramadan (Saudi Arabia) while the eastern part of my family (Saudi Arabia) the north?"Answer: Zakat fitrah was issued in which a person resides. But if the representative or guardian out in areas where there is no question there, then it is allowed. (Fatawa Al-Lajnah, 9/384, signed by the ash-Shaykh Ibn Baz, ash-Shaykh Afifi Abdurrazzaq, ash-Shaykh Abdullah Ghudayyan, and ash-Shaykh Abdullah bin Qu'ud. See Fatawa Ramadan, 2/943)And Allaah knows best-shawab bish.FootnoteA. The definition is amil zakat, not poor. See Fathul Bari (3/376) and Al-Irwa `(3/335).2. Previously, he also mentions the hadith is the Creator.3. Another case in his book Ad-Darari, there he feels like Ash-Shafi'i