
Sabtu, 24 Maret 2012

Zakat history of Pre-Islamic Period

Every religion teaches people to always care for the poor.The word 'charity' in etymology (language) means sacred, develops, and blessing. In verse 13 Surah Maryam, used the word 'charity' with sacred meaning. Then, in verse 21 sura Annur, used the word 'Zaka' which means clean (pure) from ugliness and kemungkaran.Dan, in surah Attaubah paragraph 103, used the word 'tazakki' with meaning and can mean cleanse nourish and develop as it gets blessing from Allah.According to the terms of jurisprudence, zakat means the property that must be removed from the wealth of the rich to be delivered to the person entitled to receive it with the rules specified in the Personality.In Islam, a new charity is prescribed in the second year Hijriyah. Although in the Quran, especially the verses revealed in Makkah (Makkiyah), zakat has been frequently mentioned, the new officially prescribed after the Prophet Muhammad migrated from Mecca to Medina.Pre-IslamicAccording to Bashir Ahmad Azhar, zakat has been carried out before the arrival of Islam. Activities undertaken in the form of zakat has been recognized as among the ancient Eastern nations in Asia, particularly among religious people.This happened on the way of life among Eastern nations that leave worldly pleasures is a commendable act of piety and nature. Instead, have worldly riches would hinder people of the happiness of living in paradise.In the Shari'ah of Prophet Musa, peace, charity is already known, but only subject to the wealth in the form of animals, like cows, goats, and camels. Zakat is obligatory issued is 10 per cent of the specified nisab.Jahiliyyah Arabs recognize a special charity system, as mentioned in the Qur'an Surah Al-An `paragraph 136. And, they consign to God a part of the crops and livestock that have been created by God, then they said, according to their conjecture, "This for God and for our idols." Thus, the serving-dish reserved for idols they are not up to God and dedicated to God will be up to their idols. Evil is their determination. "Poor are slavesAccording to Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the forms of charity also been done in the days of yore. Rich people used to have concern for the poor.Prof Mohd Farid quoted Wajdi, author Dairah Ma'arif al-Qarn al-al-Isyrin, Al-Qaradhawi said, "In any nation's researchers directed their attention, he would only find two classes of men who do not have all three, the group that affluent and the impoverished class. Affluent class is always the more prosperous and the destitute thinner to cast to the ground. "In ancient Egypt which is heaven on earth as it is, what to grow so that people can eat. However, the poor can not get anything. When there is famine in the XII Dynasty, poor people sell themselves to rich people so they are more difficult and many are made budak.Di Babylon (Persia), Egypt's exactly the same circumstances. In Greece, leaving only the rich lands that can not be planted again by the people destitute.In Athens, the wealthy judge, the poor can be used as slaves if they are not able to present a gift to his employer. Meanwhile, in Rome, the rich to discriminate against small people. They will not be fed before the hard work. In fact, when the Roman empire was destroyed and replaced with a European empire, the fate of the poor are also getting worse. They are treated like animals.Attention to religionIn essence, all religions, Heavenly (sky) and Ardhi (religion created by men), have a care and concern for the poor. All religions regard, without brotherhood between rich and poor, the welfare of society will not materialize. They need each other so as to create harmony and balance.In the valley of the Euphrates (Tigris) around 4000 BCE (BC) found a figure who has the care of social problems. His name Hammurabi, the first to compile a written rules-and still be read today, saying that God sent to earth to prevent rich people act arbitrarily against the weak, guiding people, and create prosperity for mankind.And, a thousand years BC, as said Karel Sjobanz, the ancient Egyptians have always felt the task of religion to say, "People are hungry, I give bread. People who are not dressed, I gave clothes. Kubimbing the hands of people who are not able to walk across and I am a father to the fatherless children, husbands for widows, and a place to escape for people who are affected by rain storms. "And the sky religions of course stronger and deeper level of social welfare to encourage the entire community. Religion teaches people to be able to help the poor, the strong help the weak, and a healthy helping of the sick.In the Quran, is mentioned, the prophets and messengers sent by Allah instructed to urge people to do good deeds, establish prayer and pay zakat. In surah Al-Anbiya paragraph 73, explained, "We made them leaders who lead by Our command. We have revealed to they can set up to do good deeds, and establish prayer, pay zakat, and worship to Us (Allah). "Then, in verse 54 Surah Maryam, Allah says, "Tell me Ishmael in the book of the Koran, he really holds true to his promises: he was an apostle, a prophet. He always told his family prayer and tithe. And, he dirdhai by God. 'Similar order was conveyed to the Prophet Isa AS. "And the Lord commanded me to establish prayer and pay zakat as long as I live." (Surah Maryam: 31).To the Children of Israel. "And, it has already been menambil covenant of the Children of Israel and we foster among them 12 leaders. God said, 'It AKu with you. When you establish the prayer, practice regular charity, believe in My apostles and assist them, and lend Allah a good loan, must I forgive your mistakes and I put you into the gardens in which rivers flow. But whoever of you disbelieve after that, he was astray from the straight path. '"(QS Almaidah: 12).So also in the Torah it says, "Whosoever will clog the ear tears of the poor, he too will cry later, but nothing will hear his voice. By offering the hidden, people will put out the rage. A good man's eyes will be blessed because he has given his bread to the poor. "(Torah, letter of Proverbs chapters 21-22).Likewise in the Gospel, many of the commandments of God for Christians to have a social concern for the people miskin.Dengan variety of information, it can be concluded that there is no single religion in the world, either religion Ardhi (earth) and Samawi (sky), who did not order the execution of the obligation to tithe to help the poor. In fact, these social activities have existed since time immemorial. sya / multiple sources