
Senin, 19 Maret 2012

understanding Islam

                    understanding Islam

People often misunderstand Islam. Sometimes an act of faith and was not regarded as Muslims and Islam are sometimes considered an act of faith and it turns out that Islam is not Islam. How could this happen? That's because many people do not understand about Islam. This not only affects ordinary people but also the intellectual. It is considered very necessary to be understood by everybody understanding of Islam so that people do not get me wrong, and it is taken from the original source of the Qur'an, rather than the opinions of people or something else about. And Allah is not possible to explain not explicitly or implicitly in the Quran in this case. And I have found the explanation.
The word Islam is derived from the Arabic al-Islam (الاسلام). Al-Islam said it is in the Qur'an and in which are also understanding, including the letter of Ali Imron (3) verse 19 and surah Al-Maidah (5) of paragraph 3. What can we understand from these two texts?These are discussed below.
Al-Qur'an letter Ali Imron (3) paragraph 19, pronunciation, "innad-dina 'indallohil-Islam ...", meaning, "Behold," ad-din' on the side of Allah (is) al-Islam ... "
Which can be understood from this verse is that "al-Islam" is the name of an "ad-din" (street life) on the side of Allah ('indalloh). Ad-din al-milla meaning is or ash-shirot or way of life, he forms a belief (al-'Aqeedah) and deeds (al-' amal). Al-Islam as ad-din at the side of Allah, of course, be other forms of belief and action that is determined and set by Allah and not the result of the fruits of the human mind, therefore he is called also dinulloh (QS 110 paragraph 2). Al-Islam is meant for humans as the instructions of Allah (huda minalloh) to man (Sura 28 verse 50) in living life in this world. Meanwhile, Allah says, her pronunciation, "al-Fala haqqu robbika takunanna miR-minal-mumtarin" (Surah 2 verse 147), which means, "Al-Haq (truth) that of Robb (Sir, Lord) thou (O Muhammad SAW) (ie from Allah) shall not include those who doubt ". Word of Allah is stating very clearly that al-haqqu (truth) from Allah (Muhammad saw his Robb). Because al-Islam was on the side of Allah, while the al-haqqu that of Allah then surely al-Islam was none other than al-haqqu (truth) from Allah's. Meanwhile, Allah also says, her pronunciation, "... wa ila innaka latahdi shirothim Mustaqim, shirothillahil-ladzi samawati lahu wa ma fil-fil-Ardhi ma ..." (Surah 42 verses 52-53), that is, "... and indeed thou (O Muhammad peace be upon him) really give a clue to the "ash-shirothol-Mustaqim" (way to be enforced) (ie) "ash-shiroth" (street) (which is determined and set by) Allah that which belongs to Him (all) what -what's on the ceiling and nothing on earth ... ". Word of Allah is stating very clearly that the "ash-shirothol-Mustaqim" was "al-shiroth" (path) is determined and set by Allah, which of course comes from Allah as well. Because al-Islam is on the side of Allah, while the "ash-shirothol-Mustaqim" is a path that is determined and set by Allah and from Allah, then surely al-Islam is none other than a "ash-shirothol-Mustaqim" which comes from Allah.Mission which Satan and his army tried to distance people from the "ash-shirothol-Mustaqim" This (Surah 7 verse 16) which means, the distance people from al-Islam.
If al-Islam was on the side of Allah, then how did he get up to man? Yes of course only through the revelation of Allah and his explanation that Allah revealed to His Prophet and the Prophet from Adam to Muhammad, including Jesus as the son of Mary, Moses, Noah, Ibrahim as, etc.. And al-Islam in the final form (no more changes) and perfect (covering all aspects of life and do not need the addition or subtraction) is certainly revealed to the Prophet and His last Prophet, Muhammad, through the Qur'an andexplanation (Surah 75 verse 19).
From this verse we also understand that the naming of these ad-din al-Islam is the naming of Allah alone, not of men. A name usually has a meaning, as well as al-Islam also has a meaning, that "al-inqiyadu amaril li-wa-Amiri nahihi when i'tirodh", which means "submission / obedience / self-surrender to the commands and prohibitions arerule without resistance ". But in this case al-Islam is submission / obedience / self-surrender to Allah only, not the subject / obedient / self-surrender to what is considered as Robb (Lord, God) and god (Lord, Lord), because Allah says, her pronunciation, "wa man ahsanu dinan mimman aslama wajhahu lillahi muhsinun wa huwa ..." (Sura 4 verse 125), that is, "And who labih well-ad-din (her) than those subject / obedient / self-surrender to Allah and he is doing good ... ". Then be subject / obedient / self-surrender to Robb and Robb-gods besides Allah have no right to so-called al-Islam and are more accurately called ghoirul-Islam.
And since al-Islam is from Allah, of course he was blessed by Allah.
Al-Qur'an Al-Maidah (5) of paragraph 3, pronunciation, "... al-yauma akmaltu lakum dinakum atmamtu wa 'alaykum wa ni'mati rodhitu Islama lakumul-dina ...", meaning, "... on this day have I perfected for you your ad-din and also ni'mat I have perfected my blessing upon you and I al-Islam as ad-din for kalain ... "
The word "al-yauma" which means "today", which is the revelation of this verse is the day on Friday in the desert Arofah after Asr time when Muhammad saw the Farewell Hajj '.Then the phrase "akmaltu lakum dinakum", which means, "I have perfected for you your ad-din", the meaning of the word "you" in the phrase "ad-din you" is Muhammad PBUH and the Companions ra. Why? Because of this verse was revealed to them and talk about them. So does "ad-din you" is Dinu Muhammad and his companions in the form of ra forms of belief (al-'Aqeedah) and deeds (al-' amal) that exist in Muhammad's (individual) and the Companions ra (the community), which is the application, interpretation, explanation of the Qur'an on the direct instructions of Allah that of his al-Islam is derived (Sura 3 verse 19). That's because Muhammad is to follow what is revealed to him from Allah (Sura 10 verse 15, Sura 46 verse 9) and receive an explanation of how to apply, then formed a belief and forms of action or ad-din or way of life that existed at Muhammad peace be upon him, so Muhammad A'ishah characterize the phrase "khuluquhul kana-qur'an", which means, "He saw the morality of the Qur'an".And the friends are the best group of people in following Muhammad (Sura 9, Verse 117) as saying they "sami'na atho'na wa", which means, "We hear and we obey" (Surah 2 verse 185).
Then the phrase "wa-Islama rodhitu lakumul dinan", which means, "and I have ridho al-Islam as ad-din for you". In this sentence Dinu Allah called Muhammad and his companions may Allah be pleased with the title al-Islam. Therefore in this verse the word is used ad-din (singular, plural form is ad-adyan), then this means Dinu Muhammad and his companions were one, the same. Therefore, Muhammad and the revelation that meneirma explanation and apply it properly revelation (Sura 33 verse 2), then it must be al-Islam "Dinu Muhammadin saw" or "millatu Muhammadin saw" or "sunnatu Muhammadin saw" or way of life Muhammad saw (but instead he saw that the membikinnya) or often referred to as-Sunnah. So thus al-Islam is as-Sunnah and as-Sunnah are al-Islam. Some form of beliefs and practices which do not exist in the as-Sunnah can not be called Islamic. And it is said in the Qur'an 27 verse 79 letters, pronunciation, "... innaka 'alal-haqqil-Mubin", meaning, "... the real you (O Muhammad SAW) are on top of al-haqq (truth) is real" And that there is in Muhammad as-Sunnah.While it is as-Sunnah al-Islam and al-haqq al-Islam is from Allah, then surely it was Muhammad al-haqqu above. And also said in the Qur'an 36 verse 3-4 letters, pronunciation, "innaka laminal-Mursalin. 'Ala shirotim Mustaqim, "meaning," Behold, thou (O Muhammad SAW) is really (one among) the Prophet. (That is) above the ash-shirothol-Mustaqim (roads to be enforced) ". And that there is in Muhammad as-Sunnah.While it is as-Sunnah al-Islam and al-Islam is a "ashirothol-Mustaqim" which is the "ash-shiroth" (street) (to be determined and specified) Allah, then surely Muhammad is above the "ash-shirothol-Mustaqim "(road to be enforced). Meanwhile, Muhammad had said, her pronunciation, 'man' Amila 'practice laisa' alaihi amruna roddun fa huwa ", meaning," He who do good deeds with a no orders / business (no example) to us (ie MuhammadProphet and the Companions ra) then (the practice) was rejected "(Muslim, 'A'ishah).And while it's also been said Muhammad, pronunciation, "... wa wa iyyakum muhdatsatil-age fa wa inna kulla muhdatstin bid'atun kulla bid'atin dholalatun", meaning, "... and be careful (do) you make matters The new (in ad-din) for each new case (in ad-din) is a bid'ah and every bid'ah dalah error "(Abu Dawud and HR Tirmidzy of Irbadh bin Sariyyah ra). The second word is asserted that Muhammad al-Islam, which comes from Allah, the whole is in as-Sunnah.
Muhammad and his Companions ra is a group of people who most know as al-Islam al-Islam to them (through the Qur'an and its explanation) down and therefore they are praised by Allah as "khoiru ummah" (the best people ) (Sura 3 verse 110). The name was given not because of the progress of science and technology or what, but more is because they believe in and practice al-Islam as well as possible.
We who live in this day and age knowing only of al-Islam Al-Qur'an and as-Sunnah as recorded in the hadiths (the news) that shohih (valid). So that we can know an Islamic belief and practice it or not if we know a lot about the Qur'an and hadiths are shohih. If a conviction and the act is no basis in the Qur'an and the hadith must shohih of Islamic belief and practice, in the absence of which can be called Islamic.