
Minggu, 18 Maret 2012


                                                                    SUNAN MURIA
Prince Said Omar was busy lecturing on padepokannya in the village of Colo, District Dawe, Holy, when a young man came to visit. Straightforwardly, the young man, Prince Bambang Anabrang Kebo, said that as the son of Prince Omar. Raden Umar was surprised to hear that. He immediately denied and cast out Anabrang Kebo.However, Kebo Anabrang insisted, refusing to leave the hermitage before Raden Umar claimed as his father. Due to continued pressed, Prince Umar finally relented. But with one condition: Kebo Anabrang must move one of the gates of the kingdom of Majapahit in Trowulan, Mojokerto, to padepokannya overnight. In fact, the distance is approximately 350 kilometers.Thanks to the miracle of Anabrang Kebo, the gate was lightly endured. But, on the way, Kebo Anabrang intercepted from Duchy Pasatenan Raden Ronggo Starch. Raden Ronggo also requires the gate to marry Roro Pujiwati, daughter of Kiai Ageng groaned.Anyone who can bring it to the gate Majapahit Roro Pujiwati Juana eligible to apply.There was a fierce fight. Each issue of his power. Raden Umar forced to break up a fight it off immediately. '' Who is able to lift the gate, he is entitled,'' Umar said Raden.Apparently, only Kebo Anabrang who could pick it up. He went on his journey.But, what is meretricious. Once set foot, shouted to be heard crowing cock, a sign of daybreak. In fact, he had reached Rondole Hamlet, Village Muktiharjo, which bejarak five kilometers from the town of Pati. That said, until now the gate is still standing and sacred locals.That is the footage of the folklore of Raden Umar Said, who was none other than Sunan Muria. Padepokannya in Colo located on the slopes of Mount Moriah, about 800 meters above sea level. After all, if Kebo Anabrang successful, it will be difficult to write a genealogy. Understandably, until now there has been no clear study of the origin of Sunan Muria.One version says, Sunan Muria was the son of Sunan Kalijaga. Historians A.M.Noertjahjo (1974) and Solihin Salam (1964, 1974) convinced by this version. Based on their searches, marriage with Goddess Saroh Kalijaga Sunan Maulana Is-haq bint acquire three children, namely Sunan Muria, Rukayah Goddess, and Goddess Sofiah.Another version describes, Sunan Muria was the son of Raden Haji Usman alias Ngudung Sunan. Work of R. Darmowasito, Blood Pustoko Court, which contains the history and genealogy of the guardian and the kings of Java, Sunan Muria mentioned as the son of Raden Haji Usman. Some are even calling it of Chinese descent.In his book, The collapse of the Hindu-Javanese kingdom and the emergence of Islamic Countries in the archipelago (1968), Prof. Dr. Slamet Muljana mention Sunan Muria's father, Sunan Kalijaga, nothing but a Chinese lieutenant named Gan Sie Cang. Sunan Muria called'' not good at speaking Chinese because it blend in with the Javanese''.Slamet refers to an ancient manuscript found in Sam Po Kong temple in Semarang, in 1928. New Order government when it concerned the discovery of this Slamet inviting scene. As a result, Slamet work was included in the list of banned books that the Attorney General in 1971. Unfortunately, there has been no in-depth study on various versions of it.So far, the work of Omar Hashim, Sunan Muria: Between Fact and Legend (1983), so-so classified research is trying to trace the genealogy of the beginning of Sunan Muria more scientifically. He attempted to distinguish between folklore and fact. Sunan Muria as an example of Chinese descent.Umar collected a number of history expert opinion. Apparently, the validity of ancient manuscripts was dubious, because it has been mixed with folklore. Even so, Umar confessed sometimes forced to rely on its interpretation in Sunan Muria trace. The result, Umar tend to Sunan Muria version as the son of Sunan Kalijaga.After all, from the various versions of it, no one doubted the reputation Sunan Muria in preaching. The style is'' moderate'', follow the Sunan Kalijaga, infiltrating through the various traditions of Javanese culture. For example, customary feast on certain days after the death of family members, such as dino nelung to nyewu, which was diharamkannya.Only, the occult tradition smells like burning incense or presenting offerings to be replaced with a prayer or salawat. Sunan Muria also preaches through various arts of Java, such as creating macapat, Javanese songs. Kinanti sinom songs and believed to be a masterpiece of Sunan Muria, which is still sustainable.Through the song-song that he asked people to practice the teachings of Islam. For this reason, Sunan Muria prefer preaching to the masses rather than the nobility. Then the area is quite wide and spread his message. Start the slopes of Mount Muria, remote Pati, Holy, Juana, to the north coast.Ways propaganda is what causes the Sunan Muria known as Sunan who likes to preach ngeli topo. Namely the'''' immerses himself in the community. Until now, Sunan Muria tomb complex, situated in the village of Colo, never deserted from the pilgrims. '' Approximately there are about 15,000 pilgrims every day,'' said Muhammad Shohib, Chairman of the Mosque and the Tomb of Sunan Muria.They come from all corners of the archipelago. '' Some even came from abroad, especially from Islamic countries,'' said Shohib. Typically, said Shohib, blessed the pilgrims want to smooth the business, or expect a higher position. So not surprisingly, many state officials who came to the tomb of Sunan Muria.