
Minggu, 18 Maret 2012


Maulana Malik Ibrahim, also known as the Maghreb are descendants of Sheikh Husein ibn Ali. He also called Sunan Gresik in East Java, Sheikh Maghreb, or sometimes Makhdum Ibrahim As-Samarqandy. He is thought was born on 8 April 1419 at Samarkand in Central Asia, in the early half of the 14th century. Java version of the Babad Tanah Meinsma Asmarakandi call, follow the spoken tongue of the As-Samarqandy Java. [1] In folklore, there is a call Grandpa Pillow.
Malik Ibrahim is generally regarded as the guardian no one who mnendakwahkan Islam in Java. He teaches new ways of farming and many mengpengarui common people, the marginalized segments of society Javanese Majapahit end power. Malik Ibrahim tried to impress the public, which was hit by the economic crisis and civil war. religion in Leran, Gresik. In 1419, Malik Ibrahim died. His tomb is located in the village gate Wetan, Gresik, East Java,
According to popular legend, it is said that Sheikh MAHGRIBI IBRAHIM MALIK became famous in the Indian scholars Pasai, and father of Raden Paku or Sunan Giri.Sheikh Jumadil Qubro and two children together came to the island of Java. After that they parted; Sheikh Jumadil Qubro remain on the island of Java, Sheikh Maulana Malik Ibrahim to Champa, South Vietnam, and his brother Sheikh Maulana Ishak Islamize Pasai Ocean.
Sheikh Maulana Malik Ibrahim mentioned settled in Champa (in the legend known as the country Chermain or mirrors) for thirteen years. He married the daughter of the king who gave him two sons; the Raden Rahmat, or Sunan Ampel and Sayid Ali Morteza or Santri Raden. After quite a mission in the country preaching, he moved to the island of Java and left his family. As adults, two children followed him to spread Islam in Java.
Sheikh Maulana Malik Ibrahim in folklore is sometimes also referred to as the Grandfather Pillow. He teaches new ways of farming. He embraced the community, and succeeded in his mission to find a place in the hearts of people around that when it was hit by the economic crisis and civil war.
In addition, he also often treat the surrounding community at no cost. As physicians, we are told that he had been invited to treat the king's wife who came from Champa. It is probable that the empress was still a relative of his wife.
Concerning divine philosophy, stated that Maulana Malik Ibrahim once stated about the so-called God. He said: "The so-called God is really needed him there."
In the background gravestone express the holy Al-Quran verse: Ali Imran letter 185, Ar-Rahman 26-27, 21-22 At-Tawbah, and Section Chair. There is also a series of Arabic words of praise for Malik Ibrahim:'' He was a proud teacher officials, where the sultan and the ministers for advice. People who are polite and generous to the poor. People are happy because the martyr, honored in the areas of government and religion.''Thus the inscription on the headstone free translation berbangun curved marble tomb that resembles a dome. In some traditional historical sources, Sheikh Maulana Malik Ibrahim referred to as a member of the Wali Songo, the central figure propagator of Islam in Java. Historian G.W.J. Drewes insists, Maulana Malik Ibrahim is the first figure is seen as the guardians of the guardians.'' He was one of the earliest preachers,'' Drewes wrote in his book, New Light on the Coming of Islam in Indonesia. Sheikh and Maulana title, which is attached in front of the name of Malik Ibrahim, according to historian Hoessein Djajadiningrat, proving that he is great scholar. The title character is only for Muslims who have a high degree.Even though Malik Ibrahim was not among the Wali Songo, according Hoessein, obviously he was a trustee. The Wali Songo term comes from the word'' trustee'' and'''' songo. The word comes from the Arabic wali, Wali Allah, Allah loved ones - aka the beloved of God. Songo word comes from the Java language, which means nine.There are guardians who include members of the Wali Songo - which consists of nine people - and there are guardians who are not members of the council'''' Wali Songo.The concept of'' guardian'' of nine board is thought to be adopted from the Hindu-Javanese understand that flourished before the advent of Islam. Wali Songo as if the analogy with the nine gods who reigned in nine directions of the compass.Kuwera god enthroned in the north, Isana in the northeast. Indra in the east, Agni in the southeast, and the Kama in the south. God Surya is located in the southwest, Yama in the west, Bayu, neither the Nayu, in the northwest, and Shiva in the center. The mayor is recognized as a human being that close to God. They were great scholars of Islam to sow seeds in Jawadwipa.Figures of saints - as told in the Chronicle and'' literature'' said - always linked to a powerful supernatural force. However, until now, have not reached an agreement'' neighbor'' who the hell Nine Wali's nan. There is a diverse range of opinion, each with its own reasons.The dominant view, which belonged to the Wali Songo were: Sheikh Maulana Malik Ibrahim alias Sunan Gresik, Raden aka Rakhmad Sunan Ampel, Raden Paku Sunan Giri alias, alias Sharif Hidayatullah Sunan Gunung Jati, Raden Maulana Ibrahim Makdum Sunan Bonang alias, alias Syarifuddin Sunan Drajat, Jafar Sodiq Festival alias, alias Shahid Sunan Kalijaga Raden, and Raden Sayid Umar alias Sunan Muria.However, the composition of the nine Wali nan also has many versions. Prof. Soekmono in his book, Introduction to the History of Culture Indonesia, Volume III, did not include Sheikh Maulana Malik Ibrahim in the ranks of the Wali Songo. Professor of cultural history of the University of Indonesia was actually put Sheikh Siti Jenar, alias Sheikh weak brother, as a member of the Wali Songo.Unfortunately, no thrusting Soekmono arguments why Maulana Malik Ibrahim excluding Wali Songo. He just called Sheikh Siti Jenar a very popular figure. Siti Jenar sentenced to death by the Wali Songo, as judged spreading heresies about jubuhing kawulo Gusti (slave union with God), which can shake the faith of people and destabilize the Islamic Shari'a.In addition, the Wali Songo also be interpreted as an agency, or council propaganda.The term referred to the nine nine coordinative functions in the institution's mission. This theory is described in Acts Wali Songo; The Spreader of Islam in Java and works Asnan Wahyudi Abu Khalid.The authors refer to the book Kanz al-'ulum of Ibn Battuta. They explain, as the agency board of propaganda, Wali Songo experienced at least five times a change of members. In the early period, comprised of Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Ishaq, Ahmad Al-Kubra Jumad, Muhammad Al-Maghreb, Israel Malik, Muhammad Al-Akbar, Maulana Hasanuddin, Aliyuddin, and Sheikh Subakir.In the second period, Raden Rakhmad (Sunan Ampel), Festival, Sharif Hidayatullah (Sunan Gunung Jati), and Sunan Bonang coming on for Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Malik Israel, Ali Akbar, and Maulana Hasanuddin - who died. In the third period, enter Sunan Giri, who moved to replace Isaac Pasai, Aceh, and Sunan Kalijaga replace Sheikh Subakir who returned to Persia.In the fourth period, Raden Patah and Fatullah Khan entered the ranks of Wali Songo.Both of these figures Jumad replace Ahmad Al-Kubra and Muhammad Al-Maghreb who died. Sunan Muria Wali Songo institutions occupy in the last period. He replaces Broken Raden, who ascended the throne as King Demak Bintoro first.The chronological analysis contains many flaws. Sunan Ampel example, the estimated death in 1445. In this version is mentioned, as if the Sunan Ampel surviving contemporaries Festival, Sunan Bonang, Sunan Drajat, Sunan Kalijaga, and Sunan Muria. In fact, the Festival's life in 1540.The Sunan Bonang and Sunan Drajat was the son of Sunan Ampel. Sunan Bonang is Sunan Kalijaga teacher, who berputra Sunan Muria. How could Sunan Ampel Sunan Muria's contemporaries? After all, a character called the Wali Songo in this book - Aliyuddin, Ali Akbar Khan and Fatullah - not the famous mayor in Java.Their names are rarely found in traditional historiography, either fiber or chronicle. In fact, in Java there are dozens of ancient manuscripts of the chronicle, tale, and fiber, which tells the trustees. Most of the chronicle also describes, Wali Songo live in the same period.The trustee, according to the version of the Chronicle, told often hold meetings in mosques and mosque Demak'''' FEEL THE COPYRIGHT (Cirebon). There they discussed various issues keagamanan and state. The story of this kind, among others, can be read in the Chronicle Demak, Cirebon Chronicle, and Chronicle of Java LandBabad Cirebon, for example, proclaims that in 1426, the trustees gathered at Mount Ciremai. They held meetings led Sunan Ampel, forming a'' Council'' Wali Songo. Sunan Gunung Jati Katib appointed as guardian, or patron saint. Its members consist of Sunan Ampel, Sheikh Maulana Maghreb, Sunan Bonang, Sunan Ngudung alias Festival, Sunan Kalijaga, Sunan Muria, Sheikh weak brother, Sheikh Betong, and Sunan Majagung.Coupled with Sunan Gunung Jati, the trustee was in fact to 10 people. Wali Songo names are written in the Chronicle Cirebon different from those expressed in the Babad Tanah Jawi. Babad Tanah Jawi in, who came from Central Java, can not find the name of Sheikh and Sheikh Majagung Betong. Instead, it will be found the name Sunan Giri and Sunan Drajat.However, the role of Wali Songo obviously not limited in the religious field. They also act as an advisory board member for the king. In fact, Sunan Giri form a religious dynasty, and the politically powerful in the region of Gresik, Tuban, and surrounding areas. He endorsed the coronation as King Pajang Joko Tingkir Hadiwijaya title Sultan, after the reign of King Demak subsided.Outside the Wali Songo, there are dozens that Muslim leaders in Java which is also regarded as a guardian. Only, they are usually not how power in the region at large.Sunan Tembayat, for example, is known as pedakwah in Tembayat, a subdistrict in Klaten, Central Java. He was a disciple of Sunan Kalijaga dilegendakan.Sunan Tembayat Duke of Semarang is famous by the name of Ki Ageng Pandanarang.Based on the Chronicle story quoted H.J. De Graaf and T.H. Pigeuad, Pandanaran infatuated would leave his throne because of Islamic teachings conveyed Sunan Kalijaga. At 1512, Pandanarang handed the reins of government to his younger brother.'' He and his wife resigned from the busy world,'' wrote De Graaf and Pigeaud in the book First the Kingdom of Islam in Java. '' Javanese aristocratic couple is looking for peace of mind wandering, while preaching,'' the historical expert from the University of Leiden, the Netherlands, it added.After the adventure, Pandanarang and his wife worked in a woman rice trader in Wedi, Klaten. Eventually he settled in Tembayat as tutor. There for 25 years, lived as a saint Pandanarang as Sunan Tembayat. He died in 1537 and is buried there. Sunan Tembayat tomb complex of buildings made of carved stone, like the shape of Bentar temple in East Java and Bali temple.At the tomb of Sunan Tembayat written inscription, the tomb was first restored in 1566 by King Pajang, Sultan Hadiwijaya. '' Then, in 1633, Sultan Agung of Mataram expand and beautify the cemetery building Tembayat,'' wrote De Graaf. The story says about the miracle of the saint who is buried in Tembayat Semarang, according to De Graaf, has been widely circulated among the people of Java since the mid-17th century.This story is a classic work in the script ternukil Panembahan Kajoran of Yogyakarta, which was written in 1677. The manuscript was first studied by D.A. Rinkes in 1909.And now, the evidence of history is stored in the Museum of Leiden, the Netherlands. '' That way, the legend has a core of truth,'' wrote De Graaf, who dubbed the'' father'' History of Java.In addition to Sunan Tembayat - Land Chronicle's version of Java - Sunan Kalijaga also had other students, Sunan Geseng name. The original name of the farmer tappers are Cokrojoyo Ki. Once, in his wanderings, Sunan Kalijaga melodious voice captivated the singing Ki Crokro after tapping sap.Clark asked Ki Kalijaga replace the song with the lyric of remembrance of Allah. When Ki Clark remembrance, suddenly he makes sugar from the sap is turned into gold.These farmers wonder absurdly. He wanted to sit under the Sunan Kalijaga. To examine the prospective student persistence, Sunan Kalijaga Clark told ki remembrance without stopping, before he comes again.A year later, Sunan Kalijaga Ki Clark recalled. The aulia commanded his disciples to find Ki Clark, a remembrance in the middle of the forest. They are very difficult to find, because the remembrance ki Clark has turned into a meadow weeds and shrubs.Syahdan, after the disciples Sunan Kalijaga burn desert weeds, appeared Ki Clark fell to the qibla.His body was charred, alias geseng, destroyed by fire. But, it still fit tappers, mumble mouth remembrance. Sunan Kalijaga wake him and give him the name Sunan Geseng.He spread Islam in Jatinom village, about 10 kilometers from the town of Klaten direction to the north. Jatinom residents know as the Sunan Geseng Ki Ageng Gribik.The nickname took off from Sunan Geseng choice to stay home roofs gribik - woven palm leaves. According to local legend, when Ki Ageng Gribik returning from the pilgrimage, he saw people starving Jatinom. He took a piece of cake apem, distributed to hundreds of people are starving. Everything gets.Kia Ageng Gribik ask the starving people eat a piece of cake apem remembrance as he said: Yes, Qowiyyu (God almighty). They were fed and healthy. Until now, the legend of Ki Ageng Jatinom Gribik animate it by organizing the ceremony'' Yes,'' Qowiyyu Syafar on a monthly basis.Residents make apem cake, and then deposited into the mosque. Apem collected amounted to hundreds of thousands. If the total, weighing about 40 tons. Peak of the ceremony took place after Friday prayers. From the minarets, apem cake spread with a remembrance of the students, Ya-Qowiyyu .... Thousands of people attended the ceremony apem fight it'' mutual aid''.Ki Ageng Gribik story is just one of many myths about the trustees. Written chronicle of religious legend, according to De Graaf, a little truth value. Only that of the leading saints, he says, there is a strong history of certainty. Their tomb still remains a highly respected place. In the span of the 16th century until the 17th century, descendants of the trustees also plays an important role in the political history of Java.FOR 40 days, Raden Paku engage in meditation in a cave. He knelt, asking for guidance of Allah, to establish a boarding school. In the midst of silent night, the message of his father, Sheikh Maulana Ishak, came back to him:'' Later, when his time came, establish regular boarding school in Gresik.'' The message that was not too difficult, actually.But, he asked to search for the exact same land with a parcel of land in this. Completed long vigil, Raden Paku went wandering. On a hill in the village of Sidomukti, Kebomas, he later founded the Islamic School giri. Since it is also known as Raden Paku Sunan Giri. In Sanskrit,'''' giri means mountain.
However, no relics showing the greatness of Islamic School giri - which developed into the kingdom of Giri Kedaton. There is also no trace of the palace. Now, in the hills it just looks Kedaton sites, about one kilometer from the tomb of Sunan Giri. On the site stood a broken measuring 6 x 5 meters.It was there, it was said, had stood a mosque, where Sunan Giri teach Islam. There is also the former site of ablution pond measuring 1 x 1 meter. This place was deserted of visitors. '' A lot of people who do not know the site,'' said Muhammad Hasan, the Secretary of the Foundation Tomb of Sunan Giri, told IOL.Syahdan, Giri Pesantren famous all over Java, even to Madura, Lombok, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Maluku. According to Babad Tanah Jawi, Sunan Giri disciples also scattered through keCHINA, EGYPT, ARAB, and EUROPE. Giri boarding school is the center of the teaching of monotheism and jurisprudence, as Sunan Giri put the teachings of Islam in the Al-Quran and the Sunnah Prophet.He did not want to compromise with the customs, which he considers damaging the purity of Islam. Therefore, Sunan Giri regarded as the'' leader'' putihan, Sunan Ampel supported flow and Sunan Drajat. But, Sunan Kalijaga consider Sunan Giri preaching rigid way. According to Sunan Kalijaga, let propaganda also use a cultural approach.For example, a puppet. Understand this receive endorsement from Sunan Bonang, Sunan Muria, Festival, and Sunan Gunung Jati. The trustees of this debate had culminated in the inauguration of the mosque Demak. '' Flow'' Tuban - Sunan Kalijaga cs - to enliven it with the inauguration of the puppet. But, according to Sunan Giri, watch the puppets remain forbidden, because the puppet's image in human form.Finally, Sunan Kalijaga find a middle ground. He proposed a modified form of wayang: a thin and do not resemble humans. Since then turned into a puppet beber shadow puppets. When Sunan Ampel,'''' the trustees chairman, died in 1478, Sunan Giri was appointed as his successor. The suggestion of Sunan Kalijaga, he was given the title of King Satmata.It is reported, giving the title falls on March 9, 1487, which is then defined as the anniversary of Gresik regency. Among the nine Wali nan, Sunan Giri also known as the political and constitutional expert. He never developed regulations and guidelines for public administration in the court procedures. His political views were used as reference.According to Dr. H.J. De Graaf, the birth of various Islamic kingdoms, such as Demak, Display, and Mataram, can not be separated from the role of Sunan Giri. Influence, says the historian's Java, crossed to the outer island of Java, such as Makassar, Hitu, and Ternate. That said, a king of his kingdom takes effect only when it's sanctioned Sunan Giri.Effect of Sunan Giri was recorded in a manuscript account of Ambon Through history, as well as news of the Portuguese and Dutch in the Moluccas Islands. In the manuscript, Sunan Giri position comparable to the Pope for Roman Catholics, or caliph for Muslims.In any Demak Chronicle, the role of Sunan Giri recorded.When the Majapahit Empire conquered the King Girindrawardhana collapsed because of kaling Kediri, in 1478, Sunan Giri transition crowned king. For 40 days, Sunan Giri to perform this action. After that, he handed it over to Raden Patah, the son of the King of Majapahit, Brawijaya Kertabhumi.Since then, the Kingdom of Demak Bintoro standing and is considered a mining Islamic kingdom in Java. And, in fact, Sunan Giri Giri had become king in Kedaton since 1470.But, better known as Giri government clerical rule and the center spread of Islam. For the kingdom, is also unclear borders.Apparently, Sunan Giri prefer the footsteps of his father, Sheikh Maulana Ishak, a scholar from Gujarat who settled in Pasai, Aceh now. His mother Goddess Sekardadu, daughter of King named King Menak Hindu Blambangan Sembuyu. Sunan Giri story began when Maulana Ishak interested to visit East Java, because they want to spread the religion of Islam.After meeting with Sunan Ampel, who was his cousin, he was preaching in the area suggested Blambangan. At that time, society is beset by the plague Blambangan. Even the daughter of King Blambangan, Dewi Sekardadu, go catch it. All the famous doctors failed to treat it.Finally, the king announced a contest: who successfully treat the goddess, when men will join in matrimony with her, if she made the foster brother of the goddess. But no one who could win the competition. In the midst of despair, he sent Patih prabu pickpocket magic Sengara seeking a hermit.
In that quest, the duke had met with a powerful ascetic, Rishi Kandayana name. Resi is what gives'' reference'' of Maulana Sheikh Ishak. Apparently, Maulana Ishak want to treat the Goddess Sekardadu, when King Menak Sembuyu and his family are willing to convert to Islam. After David Sekardadu cured, Maulana Ishak requirement was met.The entire royal family embraced Islam. After that, the God of Isaac Sekardadu married to Maulana. Unfortunately, King Menak Sembuyu not wholeheartedly become a Muslim.He even saw Maulana Ishak envy most people managed to Islamize. He attempted to block the symbols of Islam, and even sent his confidant to kill Maulana Ishak.Feeling threatened his life, Maulana Ishak Blambangan finally left, and returned to Pasai.Before leaving, he just commanded the Goddess Sekardadu - who was seven months pregnant - her child to be named Raden Paku. After the baby boy was born, King Menak Sembuyu vent his hatred of children with Maulana Isaac threw into the sea in a chest.
Once, a coffin was discovered by the crew of merchant ships from Gresik, which was heading for the island of Bali. The baby was then turned over to Nyai Ageng Pinatih, the owner of the ship. Since then, a baby boy, later named Joko Samudro was nurtured and dibesarkannya. The age of seven years, Joko Samudro Sunan Ampel deposited in the hermitage, to learn the religion of Islam.
Because of his intelligence, the child was given the title Maulana `'''' Ainul Yaqin. After years of study, Samudro Joko and his son, Raden Makhdum Maulana Ibrahim, Sunan Ampel was sent to study in Mecca. But, they have to stop first at Pasai, to meet with Sheikh Maulana Ishak.Apparently, Sunan Ampel Raden Paku want to reconcile with his biological father. After studying for seven years in Pasai, they go back to Java. That's when Maulana Ishak equip Raden Paku with a handful of soil, and then asked him at a boarding school set up a color and smell similar to a given soil. Today, the building footprint Giri Pesantren almost nothing. However, traces of Sunan Giri still imprint propaganda. Determination to purify the religion of Islam is also followed by his successors. Sunan Giri died in 1506 AD, at the age of 63 years. He is buried in the village of Giri, Kebomas District, District Gresik, East Java
In the tomb with engravings written using ARABIC This is the tomb of the deceased man who can be expected to receive God's forgiveness and the hope to grace Lord Most ESA, a teacher of the princes and the stick all the Sultan and the Wazir, being washed for the homeless and destitute. And ruler of the blessed martyr and religious affairs: Malik Ibrahim who is famous for his kindness. May God bestow His grace and pleasure, and hopefully put him in heaven. He died on 12 Rabi al-Awwal Monday 822 Hijri.